
ナオミ・クラインの"The Shock Doctorine"という本が最近出た。結構な話題になっている。

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism


The end of the world as we know it
John Gray: Gurdian Review: Saturday September 15, 2007

There are very few books that really help us understand the present. The Shock Doctrine is one of those books. Ranging across the world, Klein exposes the strikingly similar policies that enabled the imposition of free markets in countries as different as Pinochet's Chile, Yeltsin's Russia, China and post-Saddam Iraq. Part of the power of this book comes from the parallels she observes in seemingly unrelated developments. In a fascinating and alarming examination of the underside of recent history, she notes the affinities between the policies of shock therapy imposed in the course of neo-liberal market reform and the techniques of torture that have been routinely used by the US in the course of the "war on terror".
But has the free market experiment failed? As Klein sees it, free market shock therapy may actually have succeeded in achieving its true objectives. Post-invasion Iraq may be "a ghoulish dystopia where going to a simple business meeting could get you lynched, burned alive or beheaded". Even so, Klein points out, Halliburton is making handsome profits - it has built the green zone as a corporate city-state, and taken on many of the traditional functions of the armed forces in Iraq. An entire society has been destroyed, but the corporations that operate in the ruins are doing rather well. Klein's message, then, seems to be that - at least in its own, profit-centred terms - disaster capitalism works.

Her ranting obscures her reasoning
Will Hutton: The Observer, Biiks by Genre: Sunday September 23, 2007

There are many lessons from Iraq, but they elude Klein. The fact that the neocons were wedded to an economistic and wrong view of democracy does not mean that the left should be automatically against all forms of market and conceive of democracy as a surrogate for socialism.
So The Shock Doctrine is a lost opportunity. It is hardly new that disasters and shocks are often triggers of change; her insight is to apply the thesis to turbo-capitalism and its ideologues. If Klein had been fairer, she would have had a smarter thesis that could genuinely have changed the intellectual climate. As it is, she will be dismissed by her critics as a confused ranter. We need critics of free-market fundamentalism to do better than that.




今回オープン飲み会をやる気力と時間はなかったのだが、svnseedsとnogu(元おやっさん)とは吉祥寺で飲んだ。次の日授業することになっていたので、早目に帰るつもりだったのに朝5時。つーか、二人とも周到に翌日を有給の休みにしているという・・・ 次の日大学でまっすぐあるくのが大変でした。
一軒目 浜やん 八丈島料理のお店。ごたごたとした安心できる内装のせいか船底で飲んでいるような気分で、酔えば眼も回ってますます船底。
二軒目 のろ 中央線カルチャーの参謀本部。某議論中一瞬激怒してしまいました。申し訳ない。
三軒目 真希そば しらふでいったことのない朝まで営業の蕎麦屋
Tom Waits バー
新宿三丁目トム・ウェイツをフル・フィーチャーしたバーを発見したのだが、どのあたりだったか覚えていない。音楽はよいは居心地はよいは、なので次回再訪の予定。(追記 これだ。