
産経新聞 - 1月1日4時58分 *1

(中略) インドネシア保健省が三十日午後七時半に発表したアチェ、北スマトラ両州の死者数は七万九千九百四十人。これまで被害状況が不明だったアチェ・ブサール県(死者一万四千人)、サバン(同一万二千人)、ムラボ(同一万二百人)、アチェ島嶼部(同四千人)などの死者数が徐々に明らかになったほか、州都バンダアチェの死者数は前日発表から六千人増の一万五千人となった。負傷者数は二千二百五十七人、同日までに確認されたアチェ州の避難民は十万五千八百四十五人に達した。
04年12月31日付 ジャカルタ新聞 *2

2005.01.02 Web posted at: 13:50 JST

プーケットを取材したその足でバンダアチェに飛んだオブザーバー紙記者John Aglionbyは、プーケットとは比較にならないほどの規模の被害をうけた災害現場を目の当たりにした。"プーケットでは少なくとも死体は集められていた。”

But in Indonesia's Banda Aceh - close to the epicentre of the earthquake - the scale of the carnage was so much greater. On Wednesday night the bodies were still lying in the streets, hundreds of them, 72 hours after the earthquake and tidal waves had swept through the city and along hundreds of miles of the adjoining coast.
Some were tangled in the huge piles of debris, others half-submerged in silt and mud. A very few were laid out neatly, covered in grubby pieces of cloth or trussed up in sheets of plastic.
I could tell only if they were male or female, but in most cases little else, the skin turned a reddish shade of black, facial features erased, making identification virtually impossible for the scores of people who streamed down to the ravaged areas to try to find their families and friends.
Those were the corpses you could see. Buried beneath the rubble and the mud are the thousands unlikely ever to be recovered...
In Banda Aceh it was not only the severity of the devastation that contrasted so sharply with that in Thailand but also the distance that the damage extended. In Phuket the tsunami, for the most part, only affected properties along the seafront or perhaps for a couple of blocks deep; the carnage in Banda Aceh went on for miles.
A country ripped apart, a people daring to hope
Guardian Unlimited, 05年1月2日付


