
26日夕方、昼過ぎから続いた国連駐留軍(Unifil:UN interim force in Lebanon 人員二千)に対する爆撃で、国連の非武装監視員4名が死亡した。それぞれの監視員の出身地はオーストリア、中国、フィンランド、カナダである。イスラエルの首相は「誤爆である。ミステイクだ、わざとそんなことをするはずがない」とコメントしている。しかしながら爆撃の経過をみれば誤爆であるという主張は信じがたい。まわりになにもない国連の施設周辺に21発の砲撃をした、というのである。

the UN security council that the base came under close Israeli fire 21 times - including 12 hits within 100 metres and four direct hits - from 1.20pm until contact was lost with the four peacekeepers inside at 7.17pm.

Israelis ignored repeated warnings before killing UN observers




The Israelis tend to launch their wars of choice in the summer, in part because they know that European and American universities will be the primary nodes of popular opposition, and the universities are out in the summer. This war has nothing to do with captured Israeli soldiers. It is a long-planned war to increase Israel's ascendency over Hizbullah andits patrons.


That this war was pre-planned was obvious to me from the moment it began. The Israeli military proceeded methodically and systematically to destroy Lebanon's infrastructure, and clearly had been casing targets for some time. The vast majority of these targets were unrelated to Hizbullah. But since the northern Sunni port of Tripoli could theoretically be used by Syria or Iran to offload replacement rockets that could be transported by truck down south to Hizbullah, the Israelis hit it. And then they hit some trucks to let truck drivers know to stay home for a while.

以上、Informed Comment06年7月23日付より。