

Senator Joe Biden says that the idea that the US troop escalation or 'surge' is "working" in Iraq is a "fantasy" because there is no evidence that it has produced political progress or reconciliation.

A lot of the reduction in violence has been produced by artificial measures like forbidding vehicular traffic in certain areas or building big blast walls around neighborhoods, isolating them and destroying their retailers. These steps are good insofar as they prevent attacks. But they would only really be successful in the medium to long term if they contributed to a political settlement. The problem is that such measures are not sustainable. You got the big bombing in the pet market last Friday because the US military started letting people drive there again, creating an opening for a car bomber. So reducing violence is praiseworthy, however it is done. But if people are going to talk about "success," they have to show a sort of political progress such that when the cars start circulating again or the blast walls come down, you don't revert to civil war. The "surge" troops are already beginning to come home. Will the violence just return in their wake?

07年11月29日付 @Informed Comment
