
「世界の東大」へ変身計画 外国人スタッフ1300人に
東大の問題は住宅と通勤事情。でもこれは給料を増やせばいい、というだけのことである。円安の今、欧州の大学スタッフよりも高い給料が払えるのだろうか。あと、いまどき誰もがウェブで職探しするのである。しかしながら、"job opportunities"のページはかくなる状況なんで、せっかくちょっと宣伝しようとおもってたのになあ。日本に行きたいという研究者は結構いるのであるが、入り口がわからない。ところで早速便乗らしきスパムがきてた。

Attention to all European Union residents!
Science and Medicine University of Tokyo are looking for new partners in European Union.
We run monthly "discover new genius" competitions in different European Institutes and Universities with the main purpose of bringing the brightest of all talented and promising minds to our Science and Medicine University of Tokyo for further improvement and development of their genuine talents.
We look forward to have them introducing new bio-chemistry and medicine, agricultural and environmental epoch-making discoveries for the sake of our common future.
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals in European Union to help our program.
The position we have available is the "Organizing Courier".
Monthly salary: 4000 EUR
Minimum requirements:
Age limit: over 21.
Knowledge required: PC, Internet, Communication ability.
Recommended: mobile and land line telephone number.
Assist our brightest winners in making their way to our Science and Medicine University of Tokyo with the help of our European and North American sponsors.
For further information about our program and possible employment with the Company, please reply to this email and specify the country You are from
Science and Medicine University of Tokyo "Discover new genius" Department