
下記太字部分訳: 2003年にアングロ・アメリカンが制圧するまでの間、イラクの全ての歴史の記録の中に自殺攻撃を見出すことはできない・・・ ジョージ・ブッシュが彼の政策の支持をアメリカで得るために、今回のロンドン爆破を世論の結集に利用することはほぼ間違いない。しかしながらもしアメリカ人が目を見開いて見るならば、ブッシュの無能なる十字軍は世界をより危険にしたのであり、安全にしたのではないということに気が付くだろう。

Chicago political scientist Robert Pape argues in his new book, "Dying to Win," that the vast majority of suicide bombers are protesting foreign military occupation undertaken by democratic societies where public opinion matters. He points out that there is no recorded instance of a suicide attack in Iraq in all of history until the Anglo-American conquest of that country in 2003. He might have added that neither had any bombings been undertaken elsewhere in the name of Iraq.

George Bush is sure to try to use the London bombings to rally the American people to support his policies. If Americans look closer, however, they will realize that Bush's incompetent crusade has made the world more dangerous, not less.

Juan Cole Informaed Comment 05年7月8日付


A Foreign Ministry official: "After February the SDF mission has mostly been a simple case of symbolic support for the United States."
'Shingetsu Newsletter No. 33 July 7, 2005