

Peter H. Gries, author of "China's New Nationalism: Pride, Politics and Diplomacy,'' said China's Communist government had often manipulated and encouraged nationalism to underscore its legitimacy. But Mr. Gries said the emerging anti-Japanese feeling of younger Chinese was a popular expression that could impede the government as it tried to improve economic and political ties with Japan.

"These are people not acting on the orders of some Communist Party puppeteer," said Mr. Gries, an assistant political science professor at the University of Colorado.

China's fast-growing Internet is the main forum for this anger. Lu Yunfei, 29, runs Patriots Alliance Web, a nationalist Web site that boasts 76,000 registered members and 100,000 daily visitors. Last year, Mr. Lu's group rallied online opposition that helped kill a deal for a Japanese group to build a bullet train from Shanghai to Beijing. The group has also turned a territorial dispute between China and Japan over the tiny Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea into a rallying cry of Chinese patriotism.

Mr. Lu, who says he grew up watching Japanese cartoons, is now supporting a nationwide boycott of Japanese goods. Like many young Chinese, he believes Japan is returning to militarism. "I want China to be strong again," Mr. Lu said at lunch the day before the game. He said China needed to be strong so it would not again succumb to foreign invaders.

"The purpose of that strength is not to be humiliated again," he said.

In Soccer Loss, a Glimpse of China's Rising Ire at Japan

「中国の新国家主義:名誉、政治と外交」。翻訳どころか日本ではまだネットでも話題になっていないみたいだけど、結構面白そう。John Derbyshireさんによる書評。中国当局江沢民時代の歴史情報操作というのはなぜか日本ではその存在だけが糾弾されてしまっているようだ。例えば読売などだが、右方面からプロパガンダという部分だけ取り上げて感情的に喧伝しているのではないか。情報操作の実情を冷静に判断した本はあるのだろうか(となにも知らずにいう)。中国の知識階級レベルではこうした情報操作は常識なんだろうなあ。日本で歴史の教科書の検定がどんな内実なのかよく知られているように。所詮サッカー、で留める余裕を持つためにはせめてこうした情報がより尋常に語られるようになることも必要だろう。
China's 'New Thinking on Japan'。あとで読もう。


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