
15日の議会選挙をきっかけにイラクにおける反米ゲリラ闘争が表舞台であるスンニ派の政治的な動きとリンクしつつある(Informed CommentGuradian Limited)。米国はイラク国内の反米闘争を反イラク、反民主主義として扱うことがより難しくなっていくだろう。先日14日のブッシュによるイラク情勢に関する演説は、全世界の労働者が団結し立ち上がると連呼していたソ連共産党に良く似ている、とJuan先生は指摘する

Bush's naive conviction that his project is exemplary reminds me of the way the Communists in Russia initially thought that all the factory workers in the West would want immediately to imitate their worker's paradise. Of course, few wanted to give up their unions and consumer lifestyle so as to become the wards of a one-party state. Likewise, American Imperial "democracy" strikes most Arabs as paternalistic and hypocritical, masking a police state of a sort they are all too familiar with.