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WSJ(4/12) Iraqis Increasingly Sympathize With Rebels (ウォールストリートジャーナルの記事)


"The battle of Fallujah is the battle of history, the battle of Iraq, the battle of the nation," Harth al-Dhari, the council's leader, said before about 5,000 worshipers. "Merciful God, take revenge for spilled blood.

"Take revenge for slaughter. Send your army against the occupiers. Kill all of them. Don't spare any of them," he cried.

Up to then, the council had avoided calling Iraqis to battle, although coalition troops have detained some members and searched mosques for weapons. But after the Friday prayers, a tribal leader from Fallujah, Husham al-Dulaimi, used the mosque microphone to call for recruits.

"We don't need your food and clothing. We need you. We need your support. Attack the supply convoys coming to Fallujah," he told the crowd, who shouted, "Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!"