
US anger at Japan's oilfield deal (ガーディアン)

Officials in Washington could barely conceal their irritation. "Our policy, with respect to Iran, has been to oppose petroleum investment there," said the US state department spokesman Richard Boucher. "We remain deeply concerned about deals such as this, and disappointed that these things might go forward."

It is thought that the Japanese prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, calculated Washington would not take retaliatory action against the Japanese consortium only weeks after Tokyo made its biggest gesture yet of support for the US-led war in Iraq by sending ground troops to the Gulf.

Mild U.S. Reaction as Russia, Japan Pursue Iran

U.S. officials have reacted only mildly to both developments. While the oil field deal could make Japan subject to U.S. sanctions, a senior U.S. official told Reuters there will be no rush to judgment.

Japan, Iran sign huge oilfield deal despite US opposition(毎日)
日本のイラン油田開発に「深い懸念」 米国務省報道官(朝日)
Japan ignores U.S. pressure, will develop Iranian oil field(Japan Times)